While QuickBooks has long been a staple for small to medium-sized enterprises, many businesses reach a point where its capabilities no longer suffice to support their growing operations. In such instances, moving from QuickBooks to NetSuite, a cloud-based ERP solution, can help them get access to enhanced functionality and more integration capabilities.
In this step-by-step guide we will evaluate the merits of such a transition and provide you with useful insights into the QuickBooks to NetSuite migration process from start to finish. We will also address common challenges encountered when migrating and provide practical solutions to overcome them.

Is Moving from Quickbooks to Netsuite Right for You?

Deciding whether to migrate from QuickBooks to NetSuite is a decision that requires careful consideration of the potential benefits and implications for your business. In this section, we’ll explore the advantages of this migration to help you determine if it’s the right move for your organization.

The Benefits of Quickbooks to Netsuite Migration

  • Scalability: As your business grows, QuickBooks may struggle to keep up with increasing data volumes, transaction complexity, and user concurrency. NetSuite, on the other hand, is a cloud-based ERP solution designed to scale with your business, offering robust capabilities to support growing operations, multiple subsidiaries, and international expansion.
  • Integrated Business Processes: NetSuite provides a unified platform for managing core business functions, including financials, CRM, inventory, and e-commerce, in a single system. Unlike QuickBooks, which may require third-party integrations to connect disparate systems, NetSuite offers native integration across modules, ensuring seamless data flow and real-time visibility into key business metrics.
  • Versatility: NetSuite offers a wide range of advanced functionality and features that go beyond the capabilities of QuickBooks – from sophisticated financial management to project accounting and revenue recognition. Additionally, NetSuite’s customizable dashboards, KPIs, and analytics help decision-makers with actionable insights.
  • Enhanced Security and Compliance: NetSuite is built on a secure, reliable, and scalable cloud infrastructure, providing robust data security, disaster recovery, and compliance capabilities to protect your sensitive business information. It adheres to industry-leading security standards and certifications, including SOC 1, SOC 2, ISO 27001, and GDPR, to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data.
  • Global Business Support: If your business operates internationally or plans to expand globally, NetSuite offers comprehensive support for multi-currency, multi-language, and multi-subsidiary operations. It enables you to manage diverse business requirements, comply with local regulations, and standardize processes across multiple regions, providing a unified view of your global operations.

How to Migrate from Quickbooks to Netsuite?

From our experience, an optimal QuickBooks to NetSuite data migration process consists of eight distinct stages:
  • Preparing the Data
  • Choosing a Migration Method
  • Setting Up Your NetSuite Account
  • Configuring Your Netsuite Settings
  • Mapping the Necessary Data Fields
  • Extracting the Data from Quickbooks
  • Importing the Data to Netsuite
  • Verifying the Data Integrity
Let’s now delve into each individual stage – we’ll provide you with insights on what needs doing during any given stage and how to do that effectively.

Prepare the Data

So, how to convert from QuickBooks to NetSuite? Start by conducting a thorough review of your QuickBooks data. Identify and rectify any inconsistencies or errors, such as duplicate entries, incomplete records, or outdated information. This process may involve running data cleanup utilities within QuickBooks or utilizing third-party data cleaning tools for more complex data sets.
Additionally, ensure that your QuickBooks data is structured in a format that is compatible with NetSuite. This includes standardizing naming conventions for customers, vendors, and products, as well as ensuring consistency in data formatting (e.g., date formats, currency symbols).
Additionally, ensure that your QuickBooks data is structured in a format that is compatible with NetSuite. This includes standardizing naming conventions for customers, vendors, and products, as well as ensuring consistency in data formatting (e.g., date formats, currency symbols).
Consider archiving historical data that may not be needed in NetSuite to streamline the migration process and reduce unnecessary data clutter. This archived data can be stored separately for future reference if needed, but excluding it from the migration can simplify the process and improve system performance in NetSuite.

Choose a Migration Method

When evaluating migration methods, consider factors such as data volume, complexity, and budget constraints. While manual data entry may seem straightforward for small datasets, it can be time-consuming and prone to errors, especially for larger volumes of data.
For medium-sized datasets, CSV import/export is a viable option. However, ensure that your CSV files adhere to NetSuite’s import format requirements and that data mappings are accurately defined to avoid issues during the import process.
For larger and more complex datasets, consider leveraging third-party migration tools specifically designed for QuickBooks to NetSuite migrations. Our team prefers Celigo for this purpose as we find this solution the most flexible, cost-effective and robust of all that we have tested. Among others, it offers features such as data validation, error handling, and automated mapping capabilities, which can streamline the migration process and minimize the risk of data loss or corruption.

Set Up Your NetSuite Account

When setting up your NetSuite account, pay close attention to configuration settings that can impact the migration process and ongoing system usage. Define user roles and permissions to restrict access to sensitive data and ensure proper data governance.
Consider implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) for added security, especially if you’re migrating sensitive financial data. MFA helps protect your NetSuite account from unauthorized access by requiring additional verification steps beyond just a username and password.

Configure Your Netsuite Settings

Customize your NetSuite settings to align with your business’s financial practices and regulatory requirements. This includes configuring your chart of accounts, tax codes, and financial preferences to match those used in QuickBooks.
If your business operates in multiple jurisdictions or currencies, ensure that NetSuite is configured to handle these complexities effectively. Set up subsidiary or multi-book accounting structures as needed to accurately reflect your organization’s financial operations across different regions or business units.
Also consider integrating NetSuite with other business systems or applications that you use – with the help of Celigo, you can connect other popular third-party platforms, such as Salesforce, Amazon, Shopify Plus and many others.

Map the Necessary Data Fields

Beyond basic fields such as customer names and transaction amounts, consider mapping additional data elements that may be relevant to your processes or reporting requirements. For example, map custom fields in QuickBooks to corresponding custom fields in NetSuite to preserve important data attributes that may not be captured in standard fields. Those may be customer-specific preferences, product specifications, or transactional metadata that are important for business analysis or compliance purposes.
If you’re using third-party migration tools, use built-in mapping templates or configuration wizards to simplify the mapping process and ensure consistency across data mappings. These tools often provide pre-defined mappings for common data entities, but you may need to customize them to align with your specific data structures.

Extract the Data from Quickbooks

When exporting data from QuickBooks, be mindful of any limitations or restrictions imposed by QuickBooks’ export functionality. Depending on your QuickBooks subscription level and data access rights, you may encounter restrictions on the types of data that can be exported or the file formats supported for export.
Consider exporting data in smaller batches or subsets to avoid overwhelming NetSuite’s import capabilities, especially if you’re dealing with large volumes of data. Breaking down the export process into manageable chunks can help prevent performance issues and ensure a smoother transition to NetSuite.
Review the exported data files thoroughly before proceeding with the import process. Check for any missing or incomplete data, formatting errors, or anomalies that may require correction before importing into NetSuite.

Import the Data to Netsuite

Take advantage of NetSuite’s import tools and wizards to streamline the process and ensure data accuracy – use-built import templates or create custom import maps to map data fields from your source files to corresponding fields in NetSuite.
Pay attention to data validation and error handling features provided by NetSuite’s import tools. These features can help identify and resolve data inconsistencies or formatting errors during the import process, reducing the likelihood of data import failures or inaccuracies.
Monitor the import process closely and be prepared to troubleshoot any errors or issues that arise during data import – this includes reviewing error logs, adjusting import settings, or making manual corrections to data files as needed.

Verify the Data Integrity

After completing the data import process, conduct data validation checks to verify the integrity and accuracy of migrated data. Compare imported records, transactions, and balances against the source data from QuickBooks to identify any discrepancies or inconsistencies.
Utilize NetSuite’s reporting and reconciliation tools to reconcile imported data with your existing records and financial statements. This may involve running trial balances, aging reports, or other financial reports to ensure that balances and transactions align.
Perform user acceptance testing to validate that key business processes and workflows are functioning correctly in NetSuite after the migration. And, finally, document any data migration issues, lessons learned, and best practices for future reference.

What are some Common Challenges when Moving from Quickbooks to Netsuite?

Naturally, during the migration process you may come across certain issues, such as data discrepancies, budgetary constraints and user adoption difficulties. That’s why in this section we’re offering our solutions to each of the above and more.

Ensuring Your Data is Accurate


Migrating inaccurate or inconsistent data from QuickBooks to NetSuite can lead to errors, discrepancies, and data integrity issues in the new system.


  • Conduct a thorough data audit and cleansing process before migration. Remove duplicate entries, reconcile discrepancies, and standardize naming conventions to ensure data consistency.
  • Utilize data validation tools to verify the accuracy and completeness of your data both before and after migration. Engage end-users to review and validate migrated data to ensure its integrity.
  • Pay careful attention to data mapping between QuickBooks and NetSuite to accurately transfer all relevant data fields. Leverage mapping templates and tools to streamline the mapping process and minimize errors.

Integration with Third-Party Systems


Integrating NetSuite with third-party systems (CRM software, e-commerce platforms, etc.) can be challenging, especially if data structures and formats differ between systems.


  • Evaluate integration options provided by NetSuite and assess compatibility with your existing third-party systems. Choose integration methods that offer flexibility and scalability to accommodate future integration needs.
  • Consider developing custom integration solutions using NetSuite’s APIs or middleware platforms like Celigo to bridge the gap between NetSuite and third-party systems.
  • Thoroughly test and validate integrations in a sandbox environment before deploying them in a production environment. Identify and address any compatibility or data synchronization issues to ensure seamless integration between systems.

User Training and Adoption


Transitioning users from QuickBooks to NetSuite requires comprehensive training and support to ensure a smooth transition.


  • Provide extensive training sessions and resources to familiarize users with NetSuite’s features and functionalities. Offer hands-on training sessions, video tutorials, and user guides to support different learning styles.
  • Implement a change management strategy to address resistance to change and promote user buy-in. Communicate the benefits of transitioning to NetSuite and quickly address user concerns and questions.
  • Establish a dedicated support team or helpdesk to provide ongoing support and assistance to users post-migration. Address user inquiries and issues promptly to minimize disruptions.

Support for Post-Migration


Ensuring ongoing support for users is a tough, but essential task – it’s necessary to help them address any issues that may arise after the transition to NetSuite.


  • Get feedback from users post-migration to identify areas for improvement and refine NetSuite configurations accordingly. Incorporate user feedback into ongoing system optimization efforts to enhance system usability.
  • Stay updated about new releases, updates, and best practices for NetSuite to ensure that your system remains optimized and up-to-date. Use resources like NetSuite user groups, forums, and documentation to stay informed and connected with the NetSuite community.
  • Plan for post-migration support from NetSuite implementation partners or consultants like Hairball to assist with any challenges that arise post-migration. Engage with experts who can provide guidance and troubleshooting assistance as needed.

Cost and Resources


For small and mid-sized businesses with limited budgets, cost and resource requirements may prove unmeetable.


  • Develop a comprehensive budget plan that accounts for all migration-related expenses, including software licensing, implementation costs, training, and ongoing support. Consider potential hidden costs and budget contingencies to avoid unexpected financial challenges.
  • Conduct a thorough ROI analysis to assess the long-term benefits and cost savings associated with migrating to NetSuite. Consider factors such as increased efficiency, improved scalability, and enhanced visibility into business operations.
  • Consider engaging NetSuite implementation partners or consultants like Hairball to supplement internal resources and expertise and expedite the migration process.

Final Thoughts on Quickbooks Migration to Netsuite

While QuickBooks serves its purpose for basic accounting needs, NetSuite offers a comprehensive ERP solution that can streamline practically any of your business processes. With its more robust integration capabilities, wider range of features, and higher security NetSuite is a superior solution for those who look to expand their businesses.

A Recap of Netsuite Advantages over Quickbooks

When comparing the two platforms side-by-side, we can find the following advantages of NetSuite over QuickBooks:

More Comprehensive Functionality

  • QuickBooks: Focused on accounting and financial management, offers basic features for invoicing, expense tracking, and reporting.
  • NetSuite: Provides a comprehensive suite of ERP functionality, including financial management, inventory management, CRM, e-commerce, and more.

More Flexible

  • QuickBooks: Limited scalability, particularly for growing businesses with expanding needs; may struggle to accommodate the requirements of larger enterprises.
  • NetSuite: Highly scalable and flexible, capable of supporting businesses of all sizes.

More Insights

  • QuickBooks: Basic reporting and financial insights but lacks real-time visibility into business operations.
  • NetSuite: Offers real-time dashboards, reports, and analytics tools that provide actionable insights into sales, finance, inventory, and more.

More Integration Capabilities

  • QuickBooks: Limited integration capabilities, with support for only a handful of third-party applications and services.
  • NetSuite: Robust integration capabilities that allow seamless connectivity with a wide range of third-party systems and applications.

More Automation

  • QuickBooks: Offers basic automation for tasks such as invoicing and expense tracking but may require manual intervention for more complex processes.
  • NetSuite: Automates manual processes and streamlines workflows across the entire organization.

More Secure

  • QuickBooks: Provides standard security features but may lack advanced security controls required for businesses with stringent compliance requirements.
  • NetSuite: Prioritizes data security and compliance, with built-in features such as role-based access controls, data encryption, and audit trails.

Hairball can Help You Migrate Your Quickbooks Data to Netsuite

In conclusion, the transition from Quickbooks to NetSuite can be a game-changer for your business, opening doors to more powerful and versatile functionality to improve your critical operations. However, the migration process is not always seamless – issues like budgetary constraints, data discrepancies and user adoption difficulties can be massive hurdles on your path towards success.

That’s why, should you experience any problems before, during or after the QuickBooks to NetSuite migration process, don’t hesitate to reach out to a team of professionals like Hairball – we will get the job done.