When importing orders, you may encounter an error message from NetSuite. These messages are reported directly from NetSuite and are not generated by Celigo.

Here are the explanations behind common errors and how to resolve them:

ERROR: INVALID_KEY_OR_REF – Invalid item reference key …

This error is reported because one of three reasons:

    1. There is no matching SKU in NetSuite – please make sure that there are matching SKUs in NetSuite for every item on the order.
    2. There is a duplicate SKU in NetSuite – Celigo (like many other systems) requires that there be a unique item in NetSuite for each SKU. If you have more than one item with the same SKU, then Celigo can’t identify which item to post the order against.
    3. The item is inactive in NetSuite – NetSuite doesn’t allow posting orders against inactive items. If you don’t want the item to be active, you’ll need to activate it in order to allow NetSuite to accept the order, and then deactivate the item again.

ERROR: INVALID_KEY_OR_REF – Please enter a value for amount.

  • Usually this issue appears when testing order sync when the connector has not been activated. Activating the connector usually fixes this error. Activating the connector does not start the billing cycle. Turning on Order, Fulfillment or either of the product sync options will start the billing cycle (buttons will appear to turn these options On/Off once the connector is activated

ERROR: INVALID_KEY_OR_REF – Invalid subsidiary reference key.

  • This error means Celigo is trying to post a subsidiary value that NetSuite is not allowing. This may be on the customer record or the order. To narrow down the problem, look at the Order Mappings and search for “subsidiary”. You should see a mapping for the ID referenced in the error message. Next, attempt to create the customer record or order manually in NetSuite with the data listed in the Order Mappings. Doing so usually points out where the problem is. 

ERROR: USER_ERROR - Please configure the inventory detail for this line.

“Inventory Details” are a set of fields in NetSuite that need to be populated on Sales Orders/Cash Sales when an item on an order is a Lot Controlled, Bin Controlled or Serialized item.

This error usually indicates that you don’t have the inventory detail configured for the item in NetSuite. Once you configure the inventory detail for the item in NetSuite, you should be able to import the order. NetSuite provides functionality for automatically populating the inventory detail on orders. We believe the two options available are to either have your Sales Order/Cash Sale form pre-populated with the inventory details you need, or to use a script to populate the inventory detail. You should consult NetSuite for either option.

It is also possible that you do have the inventory details configured but that the lot/bin you are trying to use is out of inventory for the item on the order and you will need to replenish this stock for the order to post.

If none of the solutions in the points above work for you, Celigo can select the first available lot/bin at given location, or a specific bin at a given location. This will apply to all your orders. If this solution will work for you, please open a ticket with us describing which solution you want to use and providing a sample order to work with as we create the mapping to accomplish this for you. Please note that if you require unique bins to be selected on each order, somehow the marketplace/cart will have to communicate which bin to select on the order, since otherwise Celigo would have no way of knowing which one to select. This would mean you need to communicate to the marketplace/cart which lot/bin a given item is in. We believe this is not possible for most marketplace/carts.

ERROR: USER_ERROR - You must enter at least one line item for this transaction.

If you all the items are correctly populated on the order in Celigo and matches what you have in the marketplace/cart, please double check that the items on the order are configured correctly in NetSuite. In example, for Assembly Items please ensure that you have a Bill of Materials (BOM) account selected for the line items. 

ERROR: USER_ERROR - Inventory items must have a positive amount.

One of the items are not priced above $0.00. If there is an Item Group in the order, please also check the items within the group.

ERROR: TRANS_UNBALNCD — Transaction was not in balance.

This is an Avalara/NetSuite configuration issue. It appears to be a common problem that comes up when setting up Avalara to handle taxes in NetSuite.

Please see this article that Avalara provides.

ERROR: Invalid record type []

We have found that this always is an error in a script on the NetSuite end. Please take a look at any scripts you might have running.

ERROR: UNEXPECTED_ERROR - An unexpected error occurred. Error ID:...

Anytime you see an UNEXPECTED_ERROR, it’s an error code that NetSuite support can look up. Most of the errors of that sort that Celigo has seen are one of the following cases:
1) A NetSuite outage or bug.
2) A script in NetSuite that’s erroring.
3) A bad mapping like a string for a record ref/select field (that requires a numeric or other type of value).
Since NetSuite upgraded a bunch of accounts to 2016.2 on 9/16/16 we have seen some customers with scripts that are not compatible with some changes made in 2016.2 so it’s triggering an error. If you contact NetSuite support with the Error ID, they should be able to tell you where exactly the issue is.

ERROR: USER_ERROR - Credit Card Number or P/N Ref

Usually, this comes up with the configuration of the payment method or the payment field on your cash sales preferred form. A couple of things you can check:
Does your FBA payment method require a CC# or P/N Ref#? If so, can you make it not required?
Does the sales order/cash sales preferred form have required CC field?
If the checks above pan out, you will need to create an offline payment method
Create a new payment method
Set the type to offline
Go into Celigo >Amazon > Mappings > Orders. On the payment tab, click the refresh icon to pull in your updated payment methods
You will see a box that says the methods have successfully reloaded
Set your new payment methods
Save and try resyncing

An Order Wants You to Enter a Payment Method, But a Payment Method has Already Been Mapped

This can occur if an order is posting to an existing customer in your NetSuite. Please check whether the existing customer record has a default credit card. If so, you will need to remove this so that the payment method Celigo is trying to send to your NetSuite can take effect.