Celigo integration is at the forefront of modern business innovation. No company can afford to manually perform all of its tasks, let alone gather, organize, and analyze data in real-time without falling behind. As a Celigo integrator, we help companies across industries scale sustainably while maintaining their winning streak. To achieve this, we take a personalized approach to identify core business objectives, note any persistent challenges, and develop integration solutions that align with a company’s needs and goals.

In this post, we explore ways we’ve helped companies succeed as their Ceiligo integration partner.

The Role of Integration in Modern Business

As consumer demands increase and products are expected to be available 24/7, businesses are equally expected to perform on-demand. This creates challenges for organizations that find their sales volumes, customer service requests, client accounts, and other needs growing by the day without any method for successfully organizing their data.
  • Seamless platform compatibility. Celigo allows you to partner dozens of software and applications to build a custom tech stack that supports your organization’s success at every stage of growth.
  • Scalability. Integrations with Celigo ensure that even as your company’s needs change, your software will be able to naturally grow with you.
  • Reduced risk of error. Oversights are human by nature, but many businesses cannot afford the cost of inaccurate data. With Celigo, you can ensure that information is kept up-to-date in real-time without the risk of misprints, typos, or inaccurate calculations.
  • Automation made easy. It’s easier to automate your workflows with your preferred software and keep everything in sync with Celigo.
  • Partner up powerful apps. By combining the power of Celigo integrator with various software, you can boost your company’s productivity and leverage every application’s greatest features. Some apps really are better together.

Success Story 1:

Brandfield’s Journey With Celigo Integration

Background Of Brandfield And Its Industry

Brandfield, a luxury jewelry & goods retailer, is headquartered in Groningen, Netherlands. As a fast-growing company in a volatile market, they needed a Celigo integration that would boost their agility and help them seize new opportunities before their competition.
The Dutch retailer has an online presence in 10 European countries. With over 16,000 product offerings across 200 categories, managing their inventory and ecommerce system was a challenge without the right integration.

Challenges Faced Before Celigo Integration

Brandfield needed both NetSuite and PeopleVox to harmonize with existing ecommerce systems Magento and Lightspeed. Implementation had to be successfully completed within six months to prevent the annual end-of-year peak. As a growing company, dropping sales would be unacceptable and a hindrance to their bottom line.
The key players in the company were unfamiliar with NetSuite and PeopleVox, making integration a further challenge due to the learning curve. Clear, detailed, and easy-to-follow integration instructions would prove vital to ensuring Brandfield was able to stay on track.

Implementation Of Celigo's Solutions

ZangaBee was used to help drive Celigo integrations. This allowed users to build familiarity and understand the next stage of their integration evolution. Over time, multiple iterations of the Celigo-Zangabee integrative allowed the company to incorporate more software into their processes.
One month before peak retail season, NetSuite and PeopleVox went live with Celigo’s help. This launch date was perfect as it gave the team time to make any necessary modifications using the real-time data collected.

Transformative Results And Benefits Achieved

A total of 24 integrations were made with Celigo to help Brandfield reach their goals. All of them were successful, and the company was able to automate more of its processes to support its growth in a highly competitive industry. In 2020, the organization launched new projects with Celigo at the center of their workflows.
Their dropship business partner, HTG, is connected with NetSuite using Integrator.io. Multiple other integrations, such as PSP provider Buckaroo and Mykassa POS have enabled Brandfield to continue to thrive in the ultra-fast, demanding luxury ecommerce industry.

Key Takeaways From Brandfield’s Success

By working strategically, Brandfield was able to gradually integrate Celigo into their processes without costing the company productivity or sales. The systematic approach allowed unfamiliar internal parties to gain important knowledge about Celigo before integrating more software vital to their business. Working with experts, you can integrate Celigo and learn to use it to your advantage even if you are adopting new software.

Success Story 2:

How Celigo Integration Transformed MOTIS Brand

Overview Of MOTIS Brands And Its Unique Integration Needs

A Wisconsin-based manufacturing company, MOTIS Brands specializes in leading, hauling, and accessibility equipment. Their unique business niches are not part of the traditional ecommerce sphere, yet they play a vital role in daily operations and lives for many people.
They needed Celigo to unify its multiple retail channels, which had expanded from eBay to also include Amazon and Walmart. With 15 umbrella brands, it was becoming impossible for the team to manage the large volume of orders while manually recording and updating inventory across sales platforms.

Problems That Needed Solving Through Integration

The most important thing for MOTIS Brands was to gain the ability to automatically transfer product information and pricing data across platforms like Amazon, Walmart, and eBay. This would save the company hundreds of hours a year. Before integrations, the company was working entirely off of manual spreadsheets, which led to frequent human errors due to the enormous work volume and hours dedicated to low-value work.
There were several types of software that needed to communicate and collaborate flawlessly, so MOTIS Brands looked into Celigo as a unifying partner.

Celigo's Tailored Solutions For MOTIS Brands

With the Celigo integration platform, MOTIS Brands was able to coordinate sales and inventory across all of their retail systems. They used NetSuite and online marketplaces built with Celigo’s premade templates to easily sync Amazon, Walmart, and eBay.
Teams that had previously been focused on managing product listings across platforms were now able to allocate their time and expertise to more important tasks.

Measurable Improvements And Positive Outcomes

Through using Celigo, the company went on to integrate its iPaaS into various enterprise-wide automation campaigns. These not only facilitated company innovation but supported greater creativity and productivity within teams.
Various software, like Amazon FBA, Vendor Central, and Google Shopping were integrated across the company’s suite of brands on multiple platforms. Celigo helped the CEO develop solutions in-house, ensuring that MOTIS Brands was given the best service and were able to successfully use Celigo despite having no prior experience with it.

Lessons Learned From MOTIS Brands’ Experience

Celigo allows companies big and small to scale simply. One of the greatest barriers to automation for many businesses is technical know-how. Through professional support, MOTIS Brands were able to develop personalized solutions that made their business more efficient and laid the foundation for future growth that would easily scale with their company.

Success Story 3:

Maximizing Efficiency at FXR Racing with Celigo

Introduction To FXR Racing And Its Industry

FXR Racing is in the ecommerce apparel industry, notable for its high volatility and competitiveness. Companies that want to stay successful have to always be providing customers with new products and exceptional service — average won’t do.
The Manitoba-based maker had a unique niche — high-performance apparel for snowboarders and motocross racers. However, because of its manual workflows, hundreds of hours every year were being lost to recording data, managing inventory, completing orders, and managing other aspects of the business.

Inefficient Processes And Bottlenecks That Required Attention

With an ever-expanding product line of boots, jackets, headgear, pants, gloves, and casual clothing for athletic individuals, FXR Racing knew that it needed a solution to its manual operations. Relying solely on a human team would limit the company’s potential for growth, not to mention increase burnout and, ultimately, increase errors as well.
The company had already integrated Magento 1 and NetSuite, but the system was unreliable and prone to frequent crashes. Having previously used Celigo’s CloudExtend Excel, FXR Racing wanted to expand and see what Celigo could do for their business.

Integration Strategies Deployed By Celigo

The company agreed that they needed to rebuild their platform to overcome the challenges caused by Magento 1 and NetSuite. They decided to modernize and migrate to Shopify, using Celigo’s Shopify-NetSuite Integration App as their foundation.
Because they were already using Celigo, they had a head start at transforming their business’s operations. The platform’s flexibility enabled them to migrate to Shopify and begin updating their digital storefront.
As they continued to grow, Celigo proved invaluable in managing their inventory of 65,000 SKUs across six categories.

Quantifiable Results In Terms Of Efficiency And Cost Savings

The team was able to take on larger B2B orders easily with Celigo’s help. A NuOrder and FTP integration with Celigo allowed the company to eliminate skipped orders and order errors, ensuring they were able to complete shipments in a timely manner, cut back on refunds, and deliver better customer service to their audience.
Furthermore, to better serve their global consumers, the team at FXR Racing used Celigo to integrate with two European payment processors. Since then, they have been able to streamline orders from customers around the world.

Notable Insights And Best Practices From FXR Racing’s Integration Journey

Using Celigo to build integrations as the need arose gave FXR Racing the opportunity to evolve with its business. Being able to meet consumer demands, reduce errors, and maintain stable growth.
Multiple integrations, such as NetSuite, Shopify, Magneto, and apps like NuOrder, Nyce, Picker, and more, helped FXR Racing build a reliable tech stack that kept their workflows manageable.

The Future of Integration with Celigo

Integrations with Celigo are only going to become more advanced as artificial intelligence becomes more prevalent throughout business. Those in the ecommerce sector will find that Celigo’s flexibility is crucial to scaling and sustaining business in a more consumer-first market.
Because so many businesses rely on technology to perform, having a Celigo integrator is key to seamlessly merging key software into one sensible model.


Thanks to Celigo, thousands of businesses are able to manage their processes easier. They can perform tasks automatically that once took dozens, if not hundreds, of hours each year, and they are able to grow beyond their limits thanks to the power of automation and customizable integrations.
These three examples highlight the versatility of Celigo. What could it do for you?